Saskatchewan harvest by Crop Districts and Rural Municipalities This year, Saskatchewan farmers have faced the effects of seasonal changes in fallout: an abnormally dry spring was replaced by a late cool summer, which has been followed by a wet and cold autumn. These weather conditions resulted in declining yields, crop quality and velocity of harvest. Because of that, producers of the province have harvested only 93 percent of the crop, weighing on farmers’ income and expenses for the next growing season.Producers are optimistic that much of the remaining 7 percent can still be harvested before winter, although it’s likely some of the crop will be left out until spring.Results vary per region. The worst situation is in the east-central region which has the most (17 percent) remaining crop in the field. The southeastern and northwestern regions are in better shape and gathered 94 percent of the crop; the southwestern and western central regions have a great result of 97 percent; and the northeast region is leading that “race” with 98 percent harvested.The Full Crop Report, 2019 | Saskatchewan Crop districts by Rural Municipalities map-2019

Saskatchewan Crop Districts and Rural Municipalities

Crop harvests also vary widely throughout the province, primarily due to this spring’s and summer’s exceptionally dry conditions, as well as the moisture obtained during the growing season. Average to above-average yields have been recorded in many areas.
Saskatchewan harvest by
Crop Districts and Rural Municipalities – November 21, 2019
Crop District Per cent combined Crop District Per cent combined Crop District Per cent combined

Southeastern Saskatchewan:

  • Crop District 1 – Carnduff, Estevan, Redvers, Moosomin and Kipling areas
  • Crop District 2 – Weyburn, Milestone, Moose Jaw, Regina and Qu’Appelle areas
  • Crop District 3ASE – Radville, Minton and Lake Alma areas

Southwestern Saskatchewan:

  • Crop District 3ASW – Coronach, Assiniboia and Ogema areas
  • Crop District 3AN – Gravelbourg, Mossbank, Mortlach and Central Butte areas
  • Crop District 3B – Kyle, Swift Current, Shaunavon and Ponteix areas
  • Crop District 4 – Consul, Maple Creek and Leader areas

East-Central Saskatchewan:

  • Crop District 5 – Melville, Yorkton, Cupar, Kamsack, Foam Lake, Preeceville and Kelvington areas
  • Crop District 6A – Lumsden, Craik, Watrous and Clavet areas

West-Central Saskatchewan:

  • Crop District 6B – Hanley, Outlook, Loreburn, Saskatoon and Arelee areas
  • Crop District 7A – Rosetown, Kindersley, Eston and Major areas
  • Crop District 7B — Kerrobert, Macklin, Wilkie and Biggar areas

Northeastern Saskatchewan:

  • Crop District 8 – Hudson Bay, Tisdale, Melfort, Carrot River, Humboldt, Kinistino, Cudworth and Aberdeen areas
  • Crop District 9AE – Prince Albert, Choiceland and Paddockwood areas

Northwestern Saskatchewan:

  • Crop District 9AW – Shellbrook, North Battleford, Big River and Hafford areas
  • Crop District 9B – Meadow Lake, Turtleford, Pierceland, Maidstone and Lloydminster areas

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