Our team has been installing pile-driven solar piles in Western Canada since 2012. We offer the best installation speeds, the most cost-effective solar foundations and exceptional customer service. Contact us with your project details and we will assist you in meeting your budget and timeline targets.

To determine the embedment depth necessary for structural strength and stability, a geotechnical analysis is required. Our geotechnical site assessment includes: surficial analysis, drilling boreholes for soil sampling, soil samples testing in a lab, conducting horizontal load tests, conducting vertical pullout tests and soil resistivity testing.

Our experienced team provides geotechnical and structural engineering. We analyze the entire design/execution process to optimize the system size, power production and the project budget. We developed unique engineering solutions and methodology for frost-heave mitigation that exceed Canadian Building Code requirements.

As the site assessment and engineering design are complete, we are often in the best position to specify and order the best racking system and piles for your site. We also maintain a stock of extra piles. If there are more pile rejections at the site than anticipates, then we can add more piles to the project with minimum impact on the project schedule.

Site layout
Site layout accuracy is very critical for successful execution of the project. Our team uses the latest technology to model inter-row shading based on 3D topography of the site. We can provide utilities locate, cost-effective surveying, including setting up pile embedment marks that will be used at the piling stage.

Pile driving
In suitable locations, driven piles are more cost and time-efficient than are concrete and helical pile designs. Solar Plantations has special equipment and unique engineering solutions to minimize the risks of frost-heaving and rejected piles during installation.

Racking installation
We offer racking assembly for a wide range of ground-mount projects, including agricultural, commercial and utility projects. Our racking installation crew typically follows the pile driving process to ensure seamless work flow and fastest installation times. The racking crew is experienced with different racking systems, which helps to improve the efficiency of the install and guarantees long-lasting result.

Modules mounting
PV module or panel mounting is a part of the services offered by Solar Plantation. Subcontracting the panel installation to us will help to reduce errors, to maximize the efficiency and get aesthetically pleasing PV system in the end. We ensure that all the manufacture and industry standards will be met. Our PV module installation crew typically follows the racking assembly process to ensure seamless work flow and the fastest installation times.

Commissioning and Inspection
Regardless of the project scope, we are very serious about the commissioning of our work to ensure a smooth transfer between contractors. We also offer PV system inspection and preventive maintenance services, including site walk around, I-V curve tracing, and corrective maintenance for foundation problems.
Western Canada Solar Numbers
Installed Capacity, KW
20000 KW
2017 AB Solar
6000 KW
2017 SK Solar
3500 KW
2014 BC Solar

1000 KW
Solar Plantation
Contact us for a free estimate
Contact us to learn about solar rebates. We optimize systems for your needs.